Skin cancers and lesions refer to abnormal growths or changes in the skin that might indicate various conditions, including skin cancer. Skin cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the skin cells, with common types being basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Lesions can include moles, lumps, sores, or growths that exhibit unusual features.
Risk factors for skin cancers and lesions include excessive sun exposure, history of sunburns, fair skin, family history, and weakened immune system. Regular self-examinations and professional skin checks by a dermatologist are crucial for early detection and treatment.
Early-stage skin cancers are often treatable and may require surgical removal, cryotherapy, or topical treatments. More advanced cases might necessitate surgeries, radiation therapy, or targeted therapies. Prompt medical attention for suspicious skin changes is vital for timely diagnosis and effective management, increasing the chances of successful outcomes.